In today’s increasingly competitive market, employers are actively seeking innovative solutions for employee attraction and retention. With the workforce molding into a Gen X and millennial dominated space, employers must evolve to deliver an experience that makes employees think twice about leaving their company. Brokers can easily leverage the employee experience to secure broker of record status.
As unemployment rates remain low, talent has a great deal of power within the market, requiring employers to compete for the best and brightest employees. Employers hoping to retain top talentare looking to brokers for ways to increase benefit satisfaction and employee loyalty. So what is the employee experience? A recent study by IBM defines the employee experience as “a set of perceptions that employees have about their experiences at work in response to their interactions with the organization.” Brokers who capitalize on the employee experience trend will ultimately retain their book of business.
How can brokers capitalize on the employee experience trend? The solution to client retention lies in bringing clients user-friendly, employee-focused tools that enhance the employee experience. Brokers can introduce a positive employee experience through a benefit management app driven by employee life-event technology. By adjusting their focus from benefit enrollment platforms to solutions that assist and serve the employee, you’ll offer clients a simple solution to the complex issue of employee retention. (read more)