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Simply click the Month link!
FEBRUARY 2025: Creating Challenges and Opportunities
JANUARY 2025: Planning for the Year, Make 2025 Sparkle
DECEMBER 2024: California Wines Part 2
NOVEMBER 2024: Special Issue Long-Term Insurance
OCTOBER 2024: Will the Health Industry and AI Mix Well?
SEPTEMBER 2024: September is Healthy Aging Month
AUGUST 2024: California Positive
JULY 2024: Welcome to Our Special Medicare Issue
JUNE 2024: An interview with our publisher and CEO Jessica Brooks-Woods
MAY 2024: Your Client’s Health Matters
APRIL 2024: Health & the Work Place
MARCH 2024: An Interview with BenefitMall’s New President Bob Love
FEBRUARY 2024: Professional Development
JANUARY 2024: 2024 Industry Trends, Tools and Tactics
December 2023: Now Accepting Nominations for the First Annual Health Insurance Professionals of the Year
November 2023: November is National Long-Term Awareness Month
October 2023:Spotlight on Benefits
September 2023: Navigating the future with AI: Tool or weapon
August 2023:Ready, Set, Go, 4th Quarter & AEP Prep
July 2023: BIG Subscription Change
June 2023: Growing Your Business with Collaborative Efforts
May 2023: Mental Health
April 2023: The Importance of Protecting Your Vision
March 2023: Innovation
February 2023: Women In Leadership
January 2023: Get Ready for 2023
December 2022: Everything You Need to Know about Voluntary Benefits But didn’t have time to ask
October 2022: Women in Leadership Jessica Word of WORD & BROWN Writes on Mentoring
September 2022: September is LIFE INSURANCE MONTH
August 2022: It’s that time again: Preparing for MEDICARE ANNUAL ENROLLMENT!
July 2022: From Screens to Sun Employees Seek Dynamic Light Protection and Premium Vision Plan Benefits for Increased Demands on Their Eyes
June 2022: Cybersecurity 2.0
May 2022: Creating the Mental Health Workforce of the Future
April 2022: Agents and Brokers Are the Heroes of the Coverage Enrollment Success Story
March 2022: Employers and Broker Benefits Outlook for 2022 Survey shows remote work and mental health
February 2022: It’s Time to tackle financial planning
January 2022: CalSavers Mandates: Turn a Problem into an Opportunity.
December 2021: Covid Vaccines: What Matters for the Insurance Industry?
November 2021: All Eyes Are on LTC: Here What Do You Need to Know
October 2021: Vision Bennies: Taking a Closer Look at ‘Corona vision’ & More
September 2021: Hey Our Big 4-0! Celebrate 40 Years of California Insurance Coverage
August 2021: Cyber Attacks Hit Home
July 2021: Drug & Money! Why the new drug pipeline will make you rethink our Pharmacy Benefits Management Strategies
June 2021: 11 Million New Pet Owners! $99 billion spent on pets! Pet insurance growth at 700%! Hey, we’re all ears!
May 2021: Like Everyone Else, We’re obsessed with MENTAL HEALTH
April 2021: Diving into Fed Updates! It’s tough to Keep Up!
March 2021: Large Group Sales: Best Strategies in Approaching a Giant
February 2021: Life Settlement: Could You Use Another Tool in Your Tool Box?
January 2021: 2020 was certainly a year to remember. What’s in store for 2021?
2021 Directory: Listing of life/ health brokers, financial planners, Providers, TPAs and Etc… in California.
December 2020: COVID-19 and VOLUNTARY BENEFITS
November 2020: Mental Health and COVID 19
October 2020: Life Insurance Present & Future
September 2020: Marketing Medicare to Multicultural Markets
August 2020: “WORKING REMOTE” and How Insurtech will influence the Health Insurance
July 2020: “MENTAL HEALTH” The Psychology of the uncertainty
May 2020: “TECH TOOLS” to help you sell
April 2020: “VISION BENEFITS” lead to better eyes health
March 2020: “THE FUTURE” of insurance virtual health care
January 2020: “20 VOICES FOR 2020” Conversations, Ideas & Inspiration for the New Year
November 2019: Financial Planning: Understanding the Secure Act.
Directory 2018/2019: Magnify your searches for Insurance Information
October 2019: FDA Regulation of CBD Opens Explorations
September 2019: Selling Healthcare to the Hispanic Market
August 2019: 2019 Medicare Double Header
July 2019: 2019 Dental Survey
June 2019: Multi-Generational Planning with Permanent Life Insurance
May 2019: Universal Healthcare Sounds Good to Some, But There is a Reality
April 2019: Emerging Trends In Wellness Programs
March 2019: Climate Change: Can Insurance Companies Help?
February 2019: We love millennials: Millennials want to connect with you
January 2019: 2019 Industry Outlook